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Our school held the National Agricultural Science and Technology Modernization Leading County (Ju rong) Co-construction Work Promotion Meeting
Date:2022-05-05   View:

On May 4, the National Agricultural Science and Technology Modernization Leading County (Jurong) Co-construction Work Promotion Meeting was held at F304 in Leisi Building. Yuan Shouqi, secretary of the school's party committee and leader of the joint construction working group, and Li Hong, vice president, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Jia Weidong, vice president of the School of Agricultural Engineering and executive director of the Field Management Equipment Research Institute. All working group members attended the meeting.

At the promotion meeting, Jia Weidong reported the work progress, main measures, and annual key tasks since the joint construction of the first county, and analyzed the problems existing in the joint construction work and the proposed solutions. The heads of each team reported their recent work plans.

Li Hong pointed out that the joint construction work should be implemented one by one according to the assessment indicators; It is necessary to actively meet the local needs and do a good job in the scientific and technological guarantee role of the summer harvest; It is necessary to actively promote the implementation of the construction of the research institute to boost the high-quality development of the local economy; It is necessary to further strengthen communication docking and efficient promotion of joint construction work.

Yuan Shouqi earnestly listened to the work reports of each team and commented on them one by one. Yuan Shouqi pointed out that each team should actively explore joint construction resources, innovate working methods, focus on the construction of typical projects, and strive to explore the model of Jiangsu University in the joint construction work, make demonstrations and create standards of Jiangsu University.

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